Dynamo sandbox and windows 11

Hello guys

A few weeks ago I installed Dynamo sandbox, but I have a problem. When I launch the program, never start, only show this window.

I have Windows 11

Is a log file generated? If so can you post it? Would help identify the root cause.

can you also try a 2.18 build and a stable 2.17.1 build?


Hi Jacob, Hi Michael! Has the cause been identified meanwhile? I encounter the same behavior - be it with Dynamo Sandbox v. 2.17 or the latest daily build, on Windows 10.

Hi @AndreH - no, I cannot reproduce it locally, can you tell us more about your setup and symptoms?
Does it happen every time?
Are you using windows in a non english language?
ARM or x64?
etc - more info the better.

Hi Michael!
Yep, every time I am launching DynamoSandbox.exe.
The symptom is the same as Raul described. Within the first second, the launch halts when saying “Initializing preferences…”.
The system OS is Windows 10 Enterprise (10.0.19044), x64. English language.
Please don’t hesitate to ask if you need more info.

… I just installed FormIt 2023 on my PC.
I see that FormIt comes with a Dynamo Sandbox, the version is
I don’t see the issue described when launching that Dynamo Sandbox instance.

@AndreH Currently, we don’t have a way to reproduce this issue but we will be investigating it before the next release. Will be updating this thread accordingly.

also - @AndreH can you verify that you unzipped correctly using 7zip or manually unblocking the sandbox .zip file before expanding it?

Someone on the forum recently had the same issue and it was resolved by following the instructions on the dynamobuilds page.

@Michael_Kirschner2 : Many thanks. Indeed, I missed to “unblock” the ZIP file. Now that I have unblocked the ZIP, it works. Many thanks for your advice!

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