DynamoSandbox.exe not loading - hangs on Initializing Preferences?

Hi - Just downloaded Dynamo Sandbox.

I unzipped and then clicked on the exe and the loading window just hangs on initializing preferences, anyone else had this issue and could advise on possible solutions?

Many thanks

Have you unblocked all the DLLs after extraction, or before, or did you extract with 7Zip? If not then you may be prevented from executing the code due to the ‘mark of the web’ which is included on any executable/dll/code pulled from an untrusted source.

Thank you Jacob, that did the trick! I used power shell to unblock all the DLLs https://www.makeuseof.com/unblock-multiple-files-powershell-windows/

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Ah - now what seems to be happening is it loads up, gets to the splash page, then closes itself with some blank popups with warning signs on them. :man_shrugging:

Is there a log produced?

You may want to try deleting the installation, unzipping with 7zip, and launching from the new installation, incase Powershell missed something.

Thank you, 7zip worked perfectly.

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