This came up. Any help?
Do you have another 3rd party plug-in that uses CefSharp? Have a look through the addins folder, to see if it has a conflicting version. I am not sure there is a good solution to this other than removing either Dynamo or 3rd party plugin.
Hi @visualizor
Remove pnid modeler from your revit installation /addins folder. That will fix it.
simply remove PnIDModeler folder? What does it do? Would Revit break without it?
I noticed it doesn’t mess up revit on my other machines. Strange.
PnID modeler isn’t required. It’s an add-in that helps coordinate Piping aNd Instrumentation Drawings between Plant 3D or AutoCAD PnID and Revit. So if you have to ask, you don’t need it.
Other add-ins can also cause this, so you may want to check that all Revit and Dynamo builds match, and see which addin is present on the impacted system that isn’t on the others.
Before the uninstall of any addin be sure your Revit is up to date, and that Dynamo is at the latest build suitable for your use.
Hi. I’m having the same problem, but i can’t find the PnID to remove it. I’m using a portuguese BR version of REVIT 2019 and Dynamo is at the latest build suitable for use.
Update Revit to the latest build as well, and then remove all add-ins from Revit. If that works the. Add the add-ins back until you ID the cause and get an updated version of the add-in.