Hi Everyone,
The Library Bar in Dynamo is lacked, I don’t know why, and i don’t know how to resolve this problem.
I greatly appreciate your support!
Hi @hoale_kts
Remove pnid modeler from your revit installation C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit Version\AddIns folder. That will fix it.
Upgrade Revit to 2018.3. That will fix it.
It’s usually either a missing update and/or a conflict in a plugin. Update Revit to the latest version and then if the library is still missing, disable all add-ins.
To Sagar & Jacob,
My company controls every action of their staffs and rents the Revit license from Autodesk for each staff, so I can’t update the Revit latest version by myself.
Thank you for your comment!
I had this issue when I was trying to open Dynamo and we have a network path set to load packages and I was on a slow connection. When I got back in the office it loaded just fine. You can also remove the network path and try that.
Did you try the above?
I have already looked for this link that you showed me. Even though I use Window search tool to find “qnid modeler” in all folders of my computer, I also can’t find it. I think the IT department of my company who installs the Revit software doesn’t follow rule. Therefore, I can’t follow the link that you show me.
However, when I change the Dynamo version 0.9.1, this Family Bar appears again.
Thank you for your support!
The licenses from Autodesk are able to be updated to each software update along the way without issue. Not only will 2018,3.2 (the current release) likely resolve your Dynamo issue, it will also make Revit more stable, and provides a few security fixes as well (2018.3.2 was entirely for security - see here).
After that update is applied, see if your library comes back. If not, then have your IT group disable all Revir plugins, as it’s likely a plunging using a conflicting version of a dll Dynamo needs to display the library.
Over a year later, this still happens sometimes - In Dynamo for Civil3D.
Seems to be fixed by restarting Civil3D.