Morning Dynamo world,
i started experiencing a funny behavior lately. When i run ly script manually (F5) the “window” jumps to the beginning of the script (and also execute).
Funny on a 5 nodes definition… you can imagine the rest
I’m open to any suggestion
I have a similar problem. The last selected node jumps into the current working location/node on the canvas.
what version of Dynamo are you seeing this in?
Do you have the tuneup view extension installed?
First of all, i feel much better knowing that i’m not going insane, thanks @theshysnail
@Michael_Kirschner2 i’m running Dynamo 2.6.1 on Revit 2021.1.2
@john_pierson yes i do
not 100% sure, but it could be - which is: Tuneup Changes zoom of Current Workspace · Issue #38 · DynamoDS/TuneUp · GitHub
Does this reproduce in sandbox or only in Revit? So far I cannot reproduce it
That is 100% why. I reported the same issue here,
OOPS, just noticed @Michael_Kirschner2 posted the same link.
Yes, this started to happened to me too, after installing TuneUp.
But I thought it was Dynamo just hating me…
Removed TuneUp and it seems to be behaving properly now