FF2 Framing vs Duct.xlsx (12.7 KB)
I am trying to replicate the graph to place a generic model family in x,y,z locations exported from a Navisworks Clash Detective report. I am new to Dynamo, so I have more questions than answers. I have read the post from 2017 on a similar topic. I have double checked that both the Revit and Navis files are reading the Internal Origin point. Both files units are set to feet. I still am not getting correct results:
- The Clash report I ran has 19 results, but Revit is only placing the Generic model in five locations.
- I am attaching a Dynamo graph, an excel file, and several images of relevant settings.
- I am not sure that the graph is reading all data from Excel as a string. When I run the graph, I get warnings with the Convert between Units Nodes.
- I also get warnings at the Element.SetParameterbyName nodes.
- Data that I expect to populate in Shared Parameters built in the Generic model file is not appearing.
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to learn more from previous threads of a similar topic.Clash Locator.dyn (64.1 KB)
Hello there! You can actually get that workflow directly from Dynamo for Revit, without going through the Naviswork report. You will need DynaWorks package.
Watch this class to see how you can do it.
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Thanks for your suggestion. I will follow the link you sent, and learn more about the Dynaworks package. I appreciate your suggestion, but I would like to better
understand the Nodes of the graph I’m trying to build and how they function. I still don’t understand why the graph I attached in my original message does not work. Will this graph only work with Revit and Navis using Shared Coordinates? If both models are
using Internal Coordinate orientation, I would expect the X,Y,Z data sent to the XML file to be correct. I also don’t understand why data is not reporting to the Gerenric Model family I built. I will double check to make sure the Shared Parameters I described
in the graph match the ones I put into the Generic model family.
Thanks very much for your help,
As a general principle, it is better to progressively build up a graph in Dynamo and (try to) understand it, rather than start with something big/complicated and work out where it is going wrong.
I would start with something simple such as the below, and add bits back in
to address a few things:
- the graph you started with looks like it was from an earlier version of Dynamo, which dealt with list levels differently- note @L2 in GetItemAtIndex nodes
- for same reason, you don’t need the TakeEveryNthItem node
- in your graph, I don’t know why you need the convert units going from feet-feet ?
- the empty rows in your spreadsheet will be causing some of the errors- filter these out with the RemoveNulls nodes
- use the pushpin icon or a watch node to see what is coming out of a particular node to check it is correct
- If the above does not fix your issue with with units/origin- suggest you start off with an Excel file with some obvious points, say 0,0,0 and 10,10,10 to work out where it is going wrong
hope this helps
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Thanks very much for your suggestions and quick response. I will try to break out the graph into small components as you suggest. Dynamo’s potential seems very
exciting to me, so I hope to apply it in a work application. I’ll keep you posted as I progress; (hopefully!)