Hi everyone!
I’m using Dynamo 2.17 for Revit 2024 and it was working well but now it’s taking a while to start. Even when it starts, it’s almost impossible to use because it’s really slow.
I really don’t know what might be causing this problem. I already tried to rename the version folder to reset the version but apparently it didn’t help so much.
This happened once a few weeks ago, and my solution was to reinstall everything from Autodesk. It did work, but now the problem is back and I’m trying to get a better solution.
Here are the dynamo log and the Revit journal from an attempt to use Dynamo.
dynamoLog_cb286be0-d8db-41fa-a521-a2ccae123bd9.txt (8.9 KB)
journal.0062.txt (255.5 KB)
You can already, update Revit 2024, there is also a Dynamo Update included…
Do you use additional packages? Maybe some incompatibility causing slowness? Do you have enough RAM for opening your Revit projects?
Journal indicates ~11 seconds between telling Revit to launch Dynamo and displaying your start page, which is reasonable and within what I would expect to see from current builds. Upgrading to 2024.1.1 is advisable (not just for Dynamo performance but also extensible storage fixes). I also recommend removing all your Dynamo packages to see if that speeds things up, and ensuring that all packages are loading from the local disc.
I have a slow Dynamo too. Not the execution speed, but the UI is slowed and lagged. I uninstalled Orchid and I don’t have a ton of packages (10 at the most).
I am running on Revit 2022.1.4
Is there something I can update or clean to get the original speed back? I honestly don’t understand why the UI is so slow and why it isn’t buffered
there is a new hotfix 2022.1.5
Speed is something the team is actively addressing, but 2.12 is so far back that you wont’ see it for awhile (the joy of not being current). In those older builds most issues wind up being due to a lack of system resources, unnecessarily complex graphs, not utilizing custom nodes and failing to account for memory use in your code authoring. Sadly the first and second item on that list are usually a direct consequence of Revit project complexity and as such you can’t do much with them, but the 3rd and 4th certainly can be.
Removing Revit add-ins and packages (all of them) to identify if one of those is impacting perofrmance can also help. In particular packages which fail to account for which Revit build you’re in and packages which cause a DLL conflict can be quite impactful on performance.
That last tip I wasn’t aware of. It could be related to the fact that I around the same time installed DiRootsOne.
I’ll do some updates and get back to you if anything improves the speed.
p.s. at the office we only do alternating revit versions to avoid having to install to many different versions etc. We also don’t upgrade our models, but I think that’s common. Really hoping to start a new project in R24 soon
Hi guys!
Well, I tried to remove all the packages and all the other stuff, but I didn’t get a good result. So, my solution again was to reinstall Revit completely, and it worked. Dynamo came back to normal, and it’s not slow anymore. I still don’t know the problem, but one of my guesses is the archi-lab package.
Here’s the Revit Journal and Dynamo Log for the “normal” state.
dynamoLog_b71f9058-6812-49f7-a736-cb97f5c838f9.txt (17.7 KB)
journal.0009.txt (251.2 KB)
Grab an archive of your Dynamo settings file. Next time it slows down try renaming it and see if that clears up the issue.
I installed the R22 update (2022.1.5 something) and did a reboot. It’s faster and the UI glitches less visually.
Still not as smooth as I would like. But I think the whole UI could use significant updates.