Dynamo for alias 2019 samples files

Hi Alex, the surfaces in the sample on the image on top are a patch layout with different surfaces. These are remeshed.
An option to work only with one surface is -as long you keep four sides, to attach them in Alias, ignoring the quantitiy of the spans created.

Hi markus,
thank for your help.
iā€™ve simplified the surface, i have only 3 surface, 2 main surface and a fillet. Iā€™ve try to attach (connect option) in alias .
iā€™ve try some test, iā€™ve send one edge of my attached surfaces and 1 edge of the examples fileā€™s surf to dynamo.
i got the same problem as always, dynamo donā€™t read the u and v as a single surface and the points at parameter donā€™t work as i expect.

image in attach

hi, ok. but there you need an other node like curve.pointsAtEqualChordLangth, to reorganize.

hi Markus
iā€™ve tryed your solution, but itā€™s not the same thing, because i must give indicate the number of divisions of the curve. the points donā€™t start from begin to end of the curve.

iā€™ve tried to combine instead of attach the surfaces and itā€™s worked .

work with simple surfaces, but in the exampleā€™s file i canā€™t combine all the patches.


how can i create surface like the exampleā€™s surface ? @MarkusSchnabel1921

Hi Alaskalex,

Sorry for the delayed response, as I hadnā€™t noticed this topic on the forum. We authored the example files included with Alias-Dynamo and I can confirm that the surface pictured on the bottom left was created in Rhino using the NetworkSrf command. A similar UV distribution can be achieved in Alias by extracting evenly spaced Isoparms in either U or V from the multi-patch surface, attaching the isoparms, and using the Skin tool. You can always then rebuild the surface to match the specific layout you require.

We often create a surface like this so that we can easily transfer data between an overbuilt construction surface and multi-patch surfaces.

@Ronnie_Parsons Thank you so much for the response!

Can you explain me better the aliasā€™s method ?
how can I combine different surfaces to have equidistant isoparametrics?

FYI @Ronnie_Parsons

@Ronnie_Parsons ?

Hi all,
I will have a look into this tomorrow my end of day (currently busy with our Alias 2021 RTM release). Please stay tuned.


@alaskalex would it be sufficient to create this network of surfaces on top of a closed, perfectly aligned topology without holes (letā€™s call this case A), or does it also have to deal with tiny gaps (like bad surface data) and big holes, like in the example file all on the top (letā€™s call this case B)?
For case A, I might check on an existing script, and could have a solution within a few days. For case B, Iā€™m working on a script which does something similar, together with a colleague, but this one will take a few weeks before it is ready.

@Michael-GG hi, i think the script for case A itā€™s enough, later iā€™ll work the pattern directly in alias .

@alaskalex so here is my current idea: you would need four connected curves which describe roughly a rectangle. You then use that one to create a Loft surface. On that Loft surface, you can create a grid of points, then lines from these points, and then create a T-Spline surface out of those.

Probably those point might have to be projected back onto the input surfaces. Or, other option, the resulting T-Spline surface could be.

I already implemented it roughly for a 3x3, to check for feasibility. Do you see any issues with this approach?