Dynamo, Floor.AddPoint issue

I’m working on script which create triangle-shape floor and add new points to create shape (counterslope ). Everything works fine, except Floor.AddPoint Node. My solution for this is to use Floor.AddPoint node two times, like on scrren. This works ok, but its strange. When i use this node only one time, it gives me strange results…
Have any of you had a similar problem?

I can’t see what the output is from Element.SetParameterByName but my guess is that it has something to do with either lacing or leveling the inputs from the Floor.AddPoint.

Right now you are giving it a list of 4 lists with a point (instead of just one list of 4 points). Try either flattening it or set the level of the input to a different one.

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Hi Kamir,

Is it possible for you to share a demo Revit file and Dynamo file to be able to see the behavior?

Hi @KamilR probably it need a transaction after setparameter