Hi Jacob. Thank you for your response so quickly - I’m getting my head around that post and your response to where it was going, so will alter my script accordingly and hope for the best tomorrow morning - if I’m completely stuck and hitting a limited knowledge brick wall I’ll be back.
Having same problem but couldn’t figure out a solution according to this discussion.
Has there been any progress? Or another thread?
Thanks for the help
[quote=“Meloschez, post:6, topic:17954, full:true”]
Having same problem but couldn’t figure out a solution according to this discussion.
Has there been any progress? Or another thread?
Thanks for the help
The ref.level of an element is a Revit.Element.Level Type so you can easily set the new desired reference level by using something like:
I finally figured out by using BIMORPH package a very simple (and functionnal) way to batch-transfer every single element from one level to another (in my case 685 elements)
Just to add some clarity to this thread in case it resurfaces in future, the reason you cant use a single basic node to change levels of multiple elements is for a variety of reasons but the main ones are:
Different types of elements reference levels in different ways and parameters. E.g. a wall uses a different parameter to a family at a point.
Some elements may use workplanes or faces and depend on their host for their level
Some elements may be grouped, so follow their group for levels
Some may break if they depend on two levels such as walls. If the base goes up the top must also to ensure it remains floor to floor in nature
Nodes like the above go through a series of steps to identify what type of element it is and target the right parameter(s) to change levels.