hi use dynashape pacages
ıts awesome. ı m new in dynamo ı want to use adaptive component for point
ı add some graph but it isnt work
please help me
thanks a lot
ı cant upload because ım new user
We cannot help you if you don’t at least :
- Specify what your problem is
- Deposit your .dyn OR take a complete screenshot of your graph with the preview of all the nodes turned on
ı cant upload revit and dynamo files but ı attach screenshot. ı hope they help to explain my problem
thanks for help
try an adative family with 4 points, not just two
The not at a pc suggestion.
An adaptive component based on two points, as shown, will need an input list that has pairs of points.
List 0
- List 0
- Point 1
- Point 2
- List 1
- Point 1
- Point 2
If an adaptive component using 4 points (as @Marcel_Rijsmus has suggested) is required then each sublist within the input list will need to contain 4 points (ordered to suit the specific placement of the component, I.e. clockwise around the 4 points for each “face”)
List 0
- List 0
- Point 1
- Point 2
- Point 3
- Point 4
- List 1
- Point 1
- Point 2
- Point 3
- Point 4
So understanding how the node positions have been sorted/created will be step 1 for you. Have a go and let us know
ı use two adaptive point family
and ı try create list but it isnt work
ı attached the screenshot
thanks a lot
Continuing the discussion from Dynamo dynashape:
hi ewan
ı try list create and transpose with two point adaptive but
it isnt cover surface
how can ı fix this ı dont know
please help me
thanks for advice
try an adative family with 4 points, not just two4Pt_adap.rfa (444 KB)
You gonna need to group your points by fours
Then you probably need Diamond panel by Lunchbox.
I’m not at a machine with Revit on it now, but read this and the manuals and use google for paneling stuff.
Autodesk University is a good source aswell.