Dynamo Created Geometry with Parameters

Hey Everyone, I was wondering if there was a way to take geometry you created and assign parameters to it…


In dynamo i can calculate the values but how do it get it to show in the properties of the geometry.


if you’re trying to write new/additional values to the walls, you would need to create additional parameters in Revit, then write the values from Dynamo into those parameters (if i understood your question correctly).

hey Renzoj14, Thanks for the response. However im trying to add the parameters to the geometry created in dynamo not the wall family. I do want the area and volume just like the wall has though. just in the properties of the dynamo created geometry

something like this?

That returns values but it doesnt add those parameters to the properties of the dynamo created geometry.

I want the values to show when i select the new geometry

I think you’re getting confused.

The blue geometry you see in Revit is a preview from the geometry in Dynamo, it does not exist in Revit and therefore it has no properties.

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Let me give you some more background… It is geometry that is created and imported into revit via the “directshape.bygeometry” node it looks like the temporary geometry because that is the material that i like. It is a revit element. I just want to be able to click on the element and also see the parameters, “area”,“volume”

Having the relevant information would have helped the folks in this thread trying to help you.

Make sure you make project parameters in the relevant category (either in your Revit template beforehand or through Dynamo) and then read/push the needed data into those. The output from your DS Node should be an element ID?

Those parameters will have to be a different name then “Area” etc if you keep these element in the Wall Category.


Sorry if it was ambiguous. It made sense in my head. next time i will try to be more clear.

I created the parameters and i will now set them. Thank you.

Yes it makes a revit element but it doesnt have the area and volume parameters like a typical wall.

Make sure you make project parameters in the relevant category (either in your Revit template beforehand or through Dynamo) and then read/push the needed data into those. The output from your DS Node should be an element ID?
Those parameters will have to be a different name then “Area” etc if you keep these element in the Wall Category.


You could try something like this …

parameters.dyn (24.1 KB)

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Thanks @Vikram_Subbaiah I did something similar but with a shared parameter so it works with the tag i created.

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glad you found your answer.

please don,t forget to close your topic with the right answer.


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