Dynamo Challenge 01: Redesign the Dynamo Logo with Dynamo

Hello Dynamites! :smiley:

This Challenge is now over - a massive thanks to all who submitted their entries for a Dynamo logo redesign and we can’t wait to see who the community votes in as winner and runner-up! :star_struck:

All graphs will become available after the close of the voting session in the Challenge Library!

Dynamo Challenge 01: Redesign the Dynamo Logo with Dynamo
  • Entry 01: Redo the Dynamo logo with Dynamo nodes and Groups in Dynamo.
  • Entry 02: Puzzle Dynamo Logo and Friends, Radar, Gears, Tubes and Twist.
  • Entry 03: Dinosaur Dynamo Logo using Revit and Dynamo.
  • Entry 04: Translated, colorful Dynamo “D” logo.
  • Entry 05: A Dynamo-Monster tease, “Tentacle”, in the style of Ridley Scott.
  • Entry 06: An evolved Dynamo Logo.
  • Entry 07: Four Dynamo Logos derived from the same graph.
  • Entry 08: Dynamo logo captured as flow of data.
  • Entry 09: DianaMoo.
0 voters

See all the submissions in all their glory below! :exploding_head: :nerd_face: :superhero: and vote on your favorite one! :ballot_box: All submissions are anonymized to avoid bias and pick a true objective winner :balance_scale:

Entry 01: Redo the Dynamo logo with Dynamo nodes and Groups in Dynamo.


Entry 02: Puzzle Dynamo Logo and Friends, Radar, Gears, Tubes and Twist.


Entry 03: Dinosaur Dynamo Logo using Revit and Dynamo.


Entry 04: Translated, colorful Dynamo "D" logo.

Entry 05: A Dynamo-Monster tease, "Tentacle", in the style of Ridley Scott.

Entry 06: An evolved Dynamo Logo.


Entry 07: Four Dynamo Logos derived from the same graph

Entry 08: Dynamo logo captured as flow of data.

Entry 09: DianaMoo.

Original post collapsed below :point_down:

In case you were curious...

Hello Dynamites! :wave:

We are super excited to introduce to you a series of Dynamo Challenges meant to inspire, to push boundaries, to explore lateral solutions and to grow your knowledge of Dynamo.

Are you into logos? Is design your thing? Did you ever want to redesign the Dynamo logo? Well now is your chance!

Come have a go at redesigning the Dynamo logo, letting your creativity run wild, imaging what could be and the world of a newer, bolder, brighter and fresher way to represent Dynamo! This challenge is mean to be fun, funny and a little wild. So take it to funky places! You can evolve what is, keep the spirit of the logo, or take it to unchartered territory and go totally left field.

Note: There are no promises made with this challenge, it is simply for fun. We are not current planning on redesigning the Dynamo logo, nor will the winner have their logo put into circulation as part of Dynamo. But there are kudo’s involved!

This challenge will run for almost two weeks, starting on Monday 25th July at 9am EST, running until Thursday 4th August at 5pm EST.


  1. Dynamo must be used in or part of your submission. :bar_chart:
  2. If you use a Dynamo graph, your .DYN file must be attached to your submission. :truck:
  3. If you use a Custom Package or Node in your submission, it must be hosted on Package Manager. Note: This may mean uploading a package! :package:
  4. This topic will be left open for discussion - use to your hearts content! Upon deadline of challenge, moderators will edit the post to introduce a community poll to select winners. :speech_balloon:
  5. We very much encourage wrong answers! Have fun with it. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

All submissions are blind via Direct Message to @solamour and @jacob.small with the Challenge as your title - this link will start a handy message template. Please include all relevant files to execute the graph and reproduce your result as well as a still image(s). :person_with_white_cane:


  1. 1st Place = “Dynamo Challenge Winner” forum badge :name_badge:
  2. 2nd Place = “Dynamo Challenge Runner-up” forum badge :name_badge:
  3. Both = Presented in print media at the Autodesk University 2022 Dynamo Party :partying_face: :tada:


We are super excited to see what all of you come up with and are here to cheerlead you on our journey to Dynamo Challenge greatness! :star_struck: :exploding_head: :nerd_face:


The first of 5x Dynamo Challenges are now live - come read it, enter into it and have some fun! :star_struck:


It’s not for me to say, but let’s include the version number in the logo for extra points


Perhaps the integration too? :thinking:

Yes, like Dynamo for Revit 20…


Image Disclaimer

The above image is a parody and is not meant to reflect any actual submission in the “Redesign Dynamo Logo” challenge. It has been provided under fair use and is meant purely as parody. Any sharing of this image outside of this site must carry this disclaimer as well.



1 Like

There is no dyn file attached.


@john_pierson ,

Even the current logo … in dynamo is time-consuming… any ideas for comprehensions?
DynamoLogo.dyn (120.7 KB)



You missed a bit!


yes, there is also a switch between 180 and -180, for creating arcs! later i want to extrude them, it means i need closed loops and overlapping lines @Alien

DynamoLogo.dyn (38.1 KB)

A little bit of list management makes your graphs so much easier to read and maintain.


I think I would lean towards making the connector thingy a custom node and using that to draw custom words.

(NOTE. I mocked this up really quickly, so it barely works. lol)


My 2 cents version for basic setout.

DynamoBaseLogo.dyn (46.9 KB)


Friendly reminder that posts placed in this thread are not entries, and that I am not eligible as I’m administrating things with Sol.

I can confirm that it is possible to build the official logo in Dynamo 2.13 and up using 21 nodes with no complex definitions, code blocks, python, or custom nodes of any sort. In this case I added a splash of color as well putting the node count at 23 (one of those is somewhat more complex design script as it reuses variables).


Design Scripted Dynamo Logo

p = Point.ByCoordinates([0,0,8,8],[0,11,9,2]);
a = List.Flatten([p[0..3],p[0],p[1]],-1);
b = List.Flatten([p[1..3],p[0],p[2],p[3]],-1);
t = 4.1;
l = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(a,b).ExtendStart(t/2).ExtendEnd(t/2);
c = Solid.ByUnion(Circle.ByCenterPointRadius(p,t/5).ExtrudeAsSolid(Vector.ZAxis(),1));
s = PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurveNormal(l,t,Vector.ZAxis()).Fillet(t/2.05,true).Fillet(t/2.05,false).Patch().SubtractFrom(c);
d = GeometryColor.ByGeometryColor(List.Flatten(s,-1).Translate(Vector.ZAxis(),0..0.01..#6),Color.ByARGB([255,255,255,255,100,100],[163,113,52,98,61,108],[54,76,150,138,83,57],[47,119,163,92,99,55]));

Added a little animation but it is not quite what I expected…



Nice to see so much interest, can’t wait to see the entries :grinning: