Dynamo Challenge 04: Furniture Design

Glacial table by @solamour

Hello Dynamites! :wave:

We are super excited to introduce to you a series of Dynamo Challenges meant to inspire, to push boundaries, to explore lateral solutions and to grow your knowledge of Dynamo.

Is geometry your thing? Did you want to push your own boundaries? Did you want to limit test what Dynamo is capable of? Are you ready for a chewy challenge?

Then look no further at our furniture design challenge, where we challenge you to create any piece of furniture you see fit in Dynamo! This challenge is meant to push boundaries, look for novel solutions, get your creativity flowing and educate both yourself and the broader Dynamo community. Bring on the funky furniture :chair:

This challenge will run for almost two weeks, starting on Monday 15th August at 9am EST, running until Thursday 25th August at 5pm EST.


  1. Dynamo must be used in or part of your submission. :bar_chart:
  2. If you use a Dynamo graph, your .DYN file must be attached to your submission. :truck:
  3. If you use a Custom Package or Node in your submission, it must be hosted on Package Manager. Note: This may mean uploading a package! :package:
  4. This topic will be left open for discussion - use to your hearts content! Upon deadline of challenge, moderators will edit the post to introduce a community poll to select winners. :speech_balloon:
  5. We very much encourage wrong answers! Have fun with it. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

All submissions are blind via Direct Message to @solamour and @jacob.small with the Challenge as your title - this link will start a handy message template. Please include all relevant files to execute the graph and reproduce your result as well as a still image(s). :person_with_white_cane:


  1. 1st Place = “Dynamo Challenge Winner” forum badge :name_badge:
  2. 2nd Place = “Dynamo Challenge Runner-up” forum badge :name_badge:
  3. Both = Presented in print media at the Autodesk University 2022 Dynamo Party :partying_face: :tada:


We are super excited to see what all of you come up with and are here to cheerlead you on our journey to Dynamo Challenge greatness! :star_struck: :exploding_head: :nerd_face:


And the fourth of 5x Dynamo Challenges are now live - come read it, enter into it and have some fun! This one is all about design, so get your creative hats on and have a play with creating something beautiful, ergonomic or just plain awesome :star_struck:


Great to see the glacial table make an appearance!


Indeed! I’m not going to enter for obvious reasons, but if anyone is curious about my (very old, pre-Autodesk days) graph on how it was created then take a look here! Note: This is a DYF, or Custom Node, so you’ll need to save this back into your Library to continue using it :slight_smile:

Atmos.GlacialTableOptioneering.dyf (52.4 KB)


Hello Dynamites! :wave:

This Challenge is now over - a massive thanks to all who submitted their entries for the Dynamo Furniture Design challenge, and we can’t wait to see what beautiful, funky and ergonimic(ish) stuff you have all come up with :chair: :couch_and_lamp: :bulb:

All graphs will become available after the close of the voting session in the Challenge Library as well as present in this thread, so that you can inspect each DYN file to help you choose your favorite! You can vote based on any criteria you like: Beauty, ergonomics, creativity, left-field answers or any other criteria!

Dynamo Challenge 04: Furniture Design
  • Entry 01: “3D Printed T-Spline Chair”
  • Entry 02: “Sliced Sofa”
  • Entry 03: “Gravity Well Pendant and 2D to 3D Space Table”
  • Entry 04: “Wavy Sofa”
  • Entry 05: “The Uncomfortable Chair”
0 voters
Entry 01: "3D Printed T-Spline Chair"
Entry 02: "Sliced Sofa"

Make bench (Dynamo).dyn (48.4 KB)
Bench profile curves (for Gh).3dm (34.3 KB)
GH files are not able to be uploaded to this forum, so you’ll need to remove the .TXT file type to use this.
Make bench (Grasshopper).gh.txt (15.2 KB)

Entry 03: "Gravity Well Pendant and 2D to 3D Space Table"

DynamoComp03_DynamoFurniture_2Dto3DSpaceTable.dyn (141.9 KB)
DynamoComp03_DynamoFurniture_GravityWellPendant.dyn (155.9 KB)

Entry 04: "Wavy Sofa"

Dynamo Challenge 04 - Furniture Design.dyn (70.5 KB)

Entry 05: "The Uncomfortable Chair"

TheUncomfortableChair.dyn (128.2 KB)


We have 6x days left in the voting for your favourite Dynamo designed Furniture, so come have your 2-cents! :star_struck:

1 Like

3… 2… 1… and we are done! Poll is closed, votes have been tallied and winners are now in. An absolute massive shout-out to all of you who entered; the entries were all ergonomic(ish) beauties of Dynamo furniture expressions :star_struck: Not only did you push yourselves, but the broader community can now learn from the way you do things, as you can now learn from the other entries! #rockOnEducation #inspirational

Without further ado, the winners are as follows:

:1st_place_medal: In First Place we have @Vikram_Subbaiah with his submission 3D Printed T-Spline Chair. Congratulations to you Vikram and please go and enjoy your twice-over swanky new forum badge “Dynamo Challenge Winner”!

:2nd_place_medal: In Runner-up, we have @john_pierson with his submission The Uncomfortable Chair. Congratulations John and now please go and enjoy your awesome new badge Dynamo Challenge Runner-up.

:trophy: For all the other participants who entered, a giant thank you for exploring how you could recreate this complex geometrical pattern using Dynamo! A huge shout-out to:

Looking forward the vote in the last remaining challenge - so get your voting hats on and see where it takes you! :face_with_monocle:


Woohoo! :raised_hands: Great job everyone :clap: