Dynamo 2.0 unstable

hello, i have some trouble with dynamo 2.0 ! the left menu (main menu) is empty and i have several notifications that say (Dynamo has detected a conflict with a dependency and may be unstable. If any issues are detected, please uninstall addins or packages and contact the provider).
when i try to manage the packages i found that there is no packages at all !!
please help me to solve this issue

You need to remove the PN&ID modeler. This is a known issue documented here

Can also present itself in specific Revit builds (I recall it being 2018.2).

There may be other add-ins which weā€™re not yet aware of as well.

@john_pierson and @jacob.small thank you ! but i have an other issue in Revit 2019 and dynao 2.0 !
i canā€™t delete nodes with the ā€œdelā€ key on keyboard and i also canā€™t make a copy for the nodes with ctrl c and ctrl v !

Another known issue. Right click and select ā€˜deleteā€™ as the workaround for now.

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@jacob.small excuse me ,where should i exactly right click ? (sorry, iā€™m currently using a french version) !

Select the node you want to delete.
Right click the node.
Select ā€œremoveā€ which should be the first item in the context window.

but that donā€™t solve the issue ! i want to be able to delete just pressing the del key !

That fix is being worked on by wonā€™t be out for a bit. The work around is right click until then.


Thank you !