Duct retracing

Hello everyone, I want to make this script as shown in video. Please tell me from where to start ? and How?

if anybody have idea how to do this, please help me.

for users in users:
    if screenshot is None:
        print ("This is not a 'do my work' forum.")
    elif codeSample is None:
        print ("This is not a 'do my work' forum.")    
    elif DYNfile is None or RVTfile is None:
        print ("This is not a 'do my work' forum.")
    elif attempt is None:
        print ("This is not a 'do my work' forum.")
        print ("Ok, let's see your question.")

By @Jonathan.Olesen


for member in dynamo_forum:
if user == new_for_dynamo:
print (“Don’t know from where to start work.”)
elif user == new_for_revit:
print (“Don’t know How to do work.”)
elif user == new_for_Python:
print (“Don’t know much about Iron python .”)
print (“User try hard, but unable to find solution. So asking for Help !”)

Hi there,

If you have tried to do it hard, show us what you achive with your work and I’m sure we’ll be able to help you.



If user == new_to_dynamo:
Print(’‘read the dynamo primer to get started’’)

Duct Retracing.dyn (42.1 KB)

@Manel_Fernandez Sir , firstly i tried to get intersection points of ducts , but i don’t understand what to do next, sorry my dyn file is scattered.

Hi there,
I’m not sure, but I would try to do if you know the intersecion points, split the ducts from the fist point until the last one with an offset:

MEpover package, I’m sure it is really usefull in this case

