Thank you for replying Erfajo. My current level knowledge of dynamo doesn’t let me to manipulate curves/Geometry/Python/Designscript. But I believe this process could be way simplified by simply placing union at specific distance for eg.( minimum -300/maximum-1500) . Or maybe split at point command at specific distance.
Select the Duct Element
Get Points at specific Distance ( Minimum / Maximum)
Place Union Fittings / Split at Point command at the point
I tried the solution . Maybe it was because of orchid package it is still problematic. Orchid package didn’t showed up in my dynamo ( only preliminary one showed up) . I tried to install the package and even manually copy pasted in support folder.
Instead of creating new elements and joining with fitting elements isn’t there a way to simply place union fittings / split command in the ducts? I got problem in all the fittings not only Elbows.
When I say minimum for example if the total duct length is 4100 mm then it would look something like this
for( min 300 ,max 1400) ,(1400-1400-1000-300) . As Duct fabricator do not prefer to fabricate minimum than 300 in our case
@Sujan As I can see @erfajo has already given you a possible solution. Try to put some efforts in working with the help you are given by yourself to become familiar with dynamo.
@Hieudang96as Your missing margins input. Please read carefully how nodes you are using work, try to see the help provided in the node you are using.
@Sujan, @Hieudang96as
Instead of firing away questions towards people that may help you, try put some efforts in solving problems first by your self. This is not a “do my job” community. The community is driven by people who offer their knowledge voluntary in their spare time. Please respect that.
I’m having the same problem as @Sujan. I am using dynamo 2.0.1. Do not know if @erfajo can run without error? If you do not get bugs then I think by the dynamo version.
Thank you for your help.
I complete agree with @erfajo and @Kulkul little effort will take a long way, first check the dynamo version and check you have all packages that you need to run the graph. For beginners, take a graph and follow it with small inputs and study what each node is doing. I printed the graphs and followed it manually. Once you get your head around it, you can tweak it to suit your needs. my graphs run on 1.3.2 to 2.0.0.
Hy @erfajo
very nice look your posting. Awesome
I tried to follow your dynamo and download Orchid Package but my List.Clean different with you, please see pict. in below: