Does not create flex pipes between pipes

Hello there,

I have an issue with the FlexCurve.ByElements node, from MEPover package.

I don’t understand why pipes are correctly created in order but the flex pipe is not created between the two pipes, despite having left a space of 5 cm.

As “FlexMEPType” I’ve already assigned my “FlexPipeType”.

Grateful if I can get your help @T_Pover over this.

Not too sure what could be going wrong here, but I think it has to do with the same pipes being used as input for both input port 1 and port 2. Could you share your graph so we can see how the pipes line up and how they are input into the node?


Thank you for your answer,

I actually found the solution by myself, the problem was the FlexMEPType input.
I don’t actually know the reason, but if I feed the List.GetItemAtIndex output it doesn’t work whereas if I use the Element.Type, with an already placed flex pipe, it works.

So I would say: problem solved
Thanks again for you reply!!