Is there a node for dividing a surface created in dynamo like the one used by NIck “Surfaces.DivideSurfaceUV” in ?/18873/2
As I said previously, things may have changed since that old post, so what we really need is for you to explain to us what it is you’re trying to do and where you’re running into issues. A solution from 5 years ago may not be the best solution today.
I would like to create holes on a surface obtained from the extrusion of a polyline
Where would you like these holes? How do you expect them to be laid out and configured? What’s driving the layout?
We need specific information if you want a specific solution.
Look into the PatternToolkit as a start.
Perforations orthogonal to a curvilinear surface with rectangular distribution and variable radius
Then possibly a division into triangles or polygons will be developed
I attach attempt
estrusione.dyn (26.8 KB)
The Surface.PointAtParameter
node is probably the basis for this, but as Jacob mentioned, the PatternToolkit is a good option whenever you’re dealing with surface pattern manipulation.
Is there a tutorial for using Pattern Toolkit in Revit?
Pattern Toolkit doesn’t require Revit or Alias, but is documented in the Alias help documentation as it is built by and owned by the Alias team.
This should get you what you need to learn about it: Help
Where can I find the equivalent of Select From Alias for Revit? Thanks
Select face.
no run
Superfici_00.dyn (16.4 KB)
I think you’re going to have a hard time finding help with your issue if this is the level of explanation you’re willing to do about the problem you’re facing.
Only a select few are willing to open a graph you posted to figure out what exactly causing the error and what even your error is in the first place.
Try to place screenshots of your desired outcome, your graph and the errors inside of them. This makes it a lot easier for others to tag along and help you.
Select face returns a list with the face in it. You need to pull that face out of the list (List.FirstItem, List.GetItemAtIndex, a[0];
in a code block, or any other method) before generating the pattern points.
You may want to review the Dynamo Primer in it’s entirety. Skip nothing even if the result of the exercise seems irrelevant, as the outcomes aren’t the point but the means in which they are produced is.