Hi, I’m direct shaping geometry but it doesn’t seem to be coming out as detailed as the geometry in Revit or dosnt look as great. Is there any way to make it more detailed? Many thanks.
Would have to see an example of the degradation you’re explaining to know how, but likely you can get higher quality for any particular need if you are willing to put the time in and can live with the performance hit.
Hi Jacob! I think its the same shape but doesn’t seem to have the internal lines in Revit. Teach me your higher quality ways!
So… in your screenshot which is the direct shape you like and which is the one you don’t?
Are you sure it’s not a texture/material thing?
Also, what is the original source of the geometry?
Top is from Rhino into Archicad as far as I know. I’ve been given a Revit file from that. Keen to direct shape it into my project with a selected material. Which is the bottom one, which doesn’t look quite right to the top. Ill double check material now
So the top is a version of your model in Revit… and you want to extract that data into Dynamo geometry and recreate it in Revit because… direct shape?
Not worth the effort - you absolutely have better things to work on.
Haha yes. But the top version has no control over material which I need
No control how? You should be able to open the file, delete all but the geometry in question, edit the material in the file, and save as a new rvt without issue.
I’m turning a Rhino/Archicad model to native Revit elements. I don’t have access to the previous Rhino/Archicad model. The direct shapes in the Revit model exported from Rhino or Archicad I was given don’t have access to the material parameter.
Open the model you have as a detached copy.
Select everything but the one object.
Deleted all the selected content.
Purge unused 4x.
Go into the project materials and find the one applied to the object in question, and edit it to be what you are after.
Thanks that works for surface material. The shape isn’t solid so I cant get a cut pattern. When I make the direct shape. It makes it solid, but cut pattern will only work overriding it in view.
There’s the reason it looks good in their model but not yours. The initial shape isn’t a solid but disconnected surfaces.
Try converting to a solid as you have before. Then make a think shell of the solid inward oh so slightly and outward a good distance. Then remove the shell from the converted solid. You should have a single solid which shows up inside the surfaces from the original model, which you can use to apply a ‘fill’ material.