The shape created using "Direct.ShapeByGeometry" node created many internal lines in the Revit model

I created a solid in dynamo and directed it as a Revit model using Direct.ShapeByGeometry node. However, the model created in Revit is not smooth as the solid created in Dynamo and many lines also appeared in the Revit model. I tried to do the same with Springs.DirectShape.ByGeometry node from Springs package. But my output is same. Is there any way to solve this?

Try Solid.Union

The Dynamo geometry is likely the exact same, it just doesn’t show the face edges in the preview so it looks smooth. Revit has does have some limitations on geometry that you’ll have to work around.

We’d have a better idea of what’s actually happening if you shared your whole graph.

This isn’t necessarily true. The Dynamo geometry can have curved surfaces or not, but truly smooth is usually easier to generate. You confirm tessellation isn’t an issue by enabling edge display in your dynamo settings. However the method for generating a direct shape relies on tessellation to generate the form - this is stated directly in the node’s description (emphasis added):

Create a Revit DirectShape given some geometry, a name for the shape, a Category, and Material.
The geometry will be tessellated before being placed in the Revit model
The category of a DirectShape cannot be changed after creation, so
a new DirectShape will be generated if the category input is changed.

If you wish to maintain the smooth geometry you’ll need to use a custom direct shape constructor or find an alternative node (I am not aware of one).

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Ah, I just assumed the tessellation occurred at the render stage in Dynamo. Good to know.

Yeah - Dynamo doesn’t tessellate to enable more functionality (i.e. tsplines; fillet by edge, etc.) and faster processing (meshes are not as fast as math).

This is the script I used for creating the model

This is entirely a single solid. So I hope I can’t use Solid.Union node

is it better this way here ?

Can you mention which package you have used for this?

yeah sure…synthezise toolkit…thats actuelly spring direct shape but fixed for work in 23-24

I installed that package but it has only one toolkit installer node and it also gives some error message as shown below


which revit version are you in ?

2024 version

This is the only node that comes under this package

yeah not really sure, hvaent seen that message before…but try as here then

direct shape.dyn (14.2 KB)

århhh yeah try run the installer there, but i have heard it sometimes fail…but guess you will get that option when you install the package, so you dont have to do it with the installer node after…

PS i use this one here in 24 and seems to work

Skærmbillede 2024-09-21 085601

Wow! This works… But if we want to create its schedule, will its parameters appear? Because none of the parameters like material, area and volume are shown in Revit upon creating this model.

yeah true…try with some shared parameters or another option import as family

Thank you Mr. Sovitek. Lemme try

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