I am using the node DirectShape.ByGeometry to create a REVIT floor which is coming from Rhino.
The problem is that the geometry looks fine inside Dynamo, but inside REVIT it doesn’t look as good as the original extrusion.
Any tips to avoid having these lines before creating the model inside REVIT?
You can try Springs.DirectShape.ByGeometry from Springs package.
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Thanks @viktor_kuzev worked like a charm!
Springs is awesome!
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Hi, the Springs.DirectShape.ByGeometry does not work for meshes?
I bring some meshes from rhino with rhynamo package and when I try to add it to revit with Springs.DirectShape.ByGeometry this quote comes:
" Attribute error: ‘Mesh’ object has no attribute 'Scale"
Does someone know how to change it?
In fact, what I want is bring geometries from rhino to revit as editable mass. I tried used Direct.Shape.By.Geometry but the same problem as Ahmad_Saad just happened.
Did you try importing the 3dm directly into Revit?
I actually have to modify the geometry in dynamo and then bring it to revit, so, I can’t import directly to revit
Well then you have a few options:
Direct Shape by Mesh it comes with the edges, just like these:
Direct shape by geometry doesn’t work for mesh (at least are not working for me) :
and when I use Mesh.To.Polysurface dynamo closes. I think it is because i’m dealing with 120 meshes…
What I actually need is bring it to revit without edges. I tried Import.Instance.By.Geometry but apparently it does not work for MESH
Well if that is the mesh, that’s what you get in Revit.
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If you don’t want all those additional faces on the meshes you can optimize it in Rhino or try something from the Mesh Toolkit package for Dynamo.
Actually in rhino they don’t have theses faces… It only appears when I bring it to revit
It’s likely appearing when you make the mesh, and if you aren’t seeing it in another application it is because the application has “smoothed them” so they don’t show.
Mesh toolkit and convert the mesh to solid. Based on the model I am fairly certain it will fail to build a solid as your geometry is disconnected.
Instead of a mesh or fighting importing the world, why not build a single surface for the upper ‘top’ and a second surface for the base of each mass portion in Rhino in two new layers. Then bring those into Dynamo by only importing the faces on the layerS with Rhynamo. Get the distance from the top surface to the polysurface below it. Then extrude the top surfaces by that distance in the negative Z axis. Union the geometry into one solid and then import that.
All of this will be slow as you are working with three or four geometry engines here, as well as 3 conversions. Be patient with it and run it in sections, using a remember node as required to serialize the good data into the DYN to simplify things as you go.
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Thank you Jacob!! It is a great idea! 
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