Difference in creating solids revit 2021/2022?


Are there differences in getting Dynamo-solids to Revit from Revit 2021 compared to Revit 2022?

These nodes works fine in Revit 2021, it gives me the solid in Revit like I expect:

When using the exact same script and nodes in Revit 2022, I simply get “null” when I try to translate the geometry from Dynamo to Revit, it doesn’t matter if I use FamilyType.ByGeometry or DirectShape.ByGeometry. It simly returns null, or the family contains nothing, in Revit 2022. Both of the options with identical scripts works like I want in Revit 2021.

Both solids are created and act as expected in Dynamo, both in 2021 and 2022, it is just the translation from Dynamo-shape to Revit-element, that I can’t fix in 2022. Is there something that changed between the versions, what can I do to fix this? :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Hello and welcome…have your tried the ootb directshape, another option could be maybe synthezise toolkit