Hello forum
i’ve been making a script that creates sheets and places certain views on them. Since my co-workers dont use Dynamo i want to make the script useable in Dynamo player. But then i ran into some problems as you can see on the picture i have 6 inputs now, but whenever my co worker wants to use it for 8 sheets for example i need to edit it. Also when they want to make 4 for example i need to delete 2 inputs cause u cant leave inputs open in Dynamo player. I’ve saw some things about data-shapes and that datashapes can make it work but i dont have any experience with datashapes. And wonder if someone can help me out with making this happen
How about something like this?
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Can u give me more of an explanation i will try it out but i also would like to know how to use it
Thanks for the quick reply
This is what i get from the picture u gave me is it possible to get all the views in 1 menu ?
Set the Lacing of MultipleForm++ to shortest…
i tried that and then i get this @Revit_Noob
Can you turn the previews on for the All Element of Categories and Element.Name+?
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Here the previews of the nodes u asked for
Not sure why it’s like that on your side though.
Can you turn on the preview for MultipleForm++ too?
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Not sure why it’s showing Dictionary where it should be showing the lists instead and no user inputs… Sorry i cannot help you further bro.
Maybe you need to get the attention of @Mostafa_El_Ayoubi regarding his package
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Yeah no problem thanks for your help anyways, The dictionary is only showing the first index of the list for some reason. If i put multipleinputform++ lacing on longest or cross then it will show every view in a seperate menu as u can see in the pictures here. When i close one of the menu’s it opens the next one with another view on it this are only 2 pictures but it opens all the views seperatly
@Mostafa_El_Ayoubi Any suggestions on how to get where i want to get? I want all the views in my project to be available to select on the menu
Hi! seems like your keys and values lists have different lengths (43 VS 42). This might explain the issue.
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Yes you’re right i can see, i have no idea how but hehe will try fix that and then see if it works
@Revit_Noob I tried this and this works
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