Data-Shapes Multi Input Ui error

Hi all,

I’m encountering a weird error on my script.
I’ve tried running it in Revit versions from 2021 up to 2025.
In 2021 version the script runs as intended and it’s pushing the pie-chart image to a drafting view but when I try running the script in later versions of Revit I am receiving this error.

Any ideas what might cause this?
Thank you.

Yeah had the same issue in older datashape version but should be fixed in the latest version…be sure you have that one installed…PS i havent tried in 2025

Yes, still getting the same error unfortunately.

hmmm for version 23-24 you will need dynamoironpackage as well 2.7 ver.2.5…but dont sounds like that the issue here

is there an alternative to Data Shapes that I can use to push my charts to Revit?

not sure…guess in newer version we have some charts ootb…not sure pyrevit have something fot that maybe…then we have mandrill and bumbleebe for excel charts, but will not auto made a draftingview with that as datashapes…but i guess there probably have a conflict with other stuff since datashapes doesnt work for you…but we can try ask @Mostafa_El_Ayoubi if he can bring some light :slight_smile:

PS you could try this one here…dont know how it works…i have just installed it from packagemanager…

Skærmbillede 2024-09-12 105422

Thank you, I’ll it a try

yeah try it…seems it can export the image…so you could try import again to a draftingview…archilab have some nodes for that

After a bit of digging I found out that I was indeed using the wrong version of packages for each version of Dynamo. I’ve found this page Dynamo Package Management and installed all the correct packages and all my scripts are working except the 2025 which gives me this error now…

Anyone got any ideas what might be going on?

Unfortunately, the System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization library used by Data-Shape is no longer compatible with Net Core (Revit 2025+).

in the meantime, as an alternative, you can try :

  • use the LiveCharts library (used by Dynamo) with Python or C#
  • use the Matplotlib library with CPython3
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well…that sucks

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