Data-Shapes Excel Import

Hi there,
I’m trying to import an excel file using data-shapes and according to that imported excel file, I want it to show me the list of its worksheets from a dropdown menu but I cannot figure it out how to do it. Here is a screenshot of what I’ve achieved so far. I Would appreciate it if anyone could help.

@Mostafa_El_Ayoubi would you have any idea how to overcome this issue?

Hey @AmirGabrielli
You’ll have to create a sequence of forms here.
First form to select the file path , and use that output as the input for the excel.worksheets node , then create a dropdown with it. The “was run” output of the first input form must be used ase the toggle for the second one. That’s how you’ll ensure things happen in the right order.
Let me know if you need an example.

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Thank you for replying. I tried to do what you said but still cannot get the worksheets. Here is a screenshot of what I did. Maybe I didn’t understand you well.

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Hi try with a list first items

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Thanks a lot. That worked! and List.Join was a MUST so that it can work.