
Hi there.
I’ve just started to understand abit about Dynamo and tried to create Architectural Floors from AutoCAD dwg.
However, my “CurvesFromCADLayers” always gives an error saying I have an empty list.
Can anyone guide me on where I got it wrong?
Did I mess up with the Polylines?
Also, this ‘Curves’ in “CurvesFromCADLayers” also works for straight lines in DWG right?

CurvesFromCADLayers(Failed).dyn (15.5 KB)
Project3.rvt (1.4 MB)
Potato.dwg (67.7 KB)

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Potato

Try this:

Thanks for the swift reply
I see alot such as Curve Duplicate and such that are new to me.
I will Google around and try
