CAD.CurvesFromCADLayers V2.0.9 + Revit 2018.1 not working

Hello 2 all :slight_smile:

i’m new to dynamo - and at the moment i try to import (link dwg) and convert/draw -> MEP room separation lines.
(like in this --> Get room information from .dwg in to Revit via Dynamo)

I tried to do the workflow, which is shown in this video:

But it already crashes at the beginning. I tried to search for the issue, and i think the problem is the changed REVIT API 2018 and out of that the missing Revit.DB connection.

Here is the error message i get:
Warning: CAD.CurvesFromCADLayers operation failed.
Method not found: ‘Autodesk.Revit.DB.NurbSpline Autodesk.Revit.DB.NurbSpline.Create(System.Collections.Generic.IList1<Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ>, System.Collections.Generic.IList1)’.

Here is the screenshot:

Is there an workaround at the moment?
thx 4 help

Revit 2018.1 ENU / DEU (both crashes)
biomorphNodes 2.0.9

You can reach the author directly this way: @Thomas_Mahon


BimorphNodes isn’t not 2018.1 compatible, yet!

However, it will be with the next release (v2.1) due imminently. I will update this thread once it’s out.


Hello & good morning @Thomas_Mahon.

Thank you for your answer. Sorry, i didn’t knew that - i don’t wanted to make pressure on it.
Thanks for your energy & keepings & tools running -> they are awesome !!