CAD.CurvesFromCADLayers operation failed

Good day,

I’m trying to import this drawing into an empty Adaptive Generic Model Family to create Model Curve

The following Error keeps showing up and my lines arent connected when created
Warning: CAD.CurvesFromCADLayers operation failed.
Could not create Plane! Some of the vertices may be collinear!

This is the Drawing
tstttt.dwg (33.1 KB)

What did I do wrong?

Thank you!

I’m testing in R2023 with the latest version of BimorphNodes and it works. What steps are you taking to produce this exception? What versions of Revit, Dynamo and BimorphNodes are you using?

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Hi Thomas

I’m using Revit 2020.


I don’t have the option to update further than Revit 2020

Managed to create the line by exploding imported drawing
But exploding drawing is so risky… Still need help on this

It may be that your dwg contains too short lines. Revit can’t handle lines shorter than ~0.8 mm and I get this error with the node when there are such lines in the dwg. You can open the file in AutoCAD and filterselect those lines to get rid of them. It’s so easy that it never occured to me to report the issue, but it would actually be nice if @Thomas_Mahon could fix it :slight_smile:

That version of Revit is supported, make sure you use the latest version of BimorphNodes.

Thanks, I thought it handled short lines. Let me investigate and if its a bug it’ll be fixed in the next version.

Not sure why, but it seems that it managed itself…lol

For PolyCurve.ByJoinedCuves however, it comes out saying the Curve produces more than 1 wire, which is intended.
If I wanted it to be in two wires so that I can follow up the process on both set of curves, what Nodes can I use?

Not sure If I should open a new topic for this small question.
