Could you please advise how to handle the point coordinates in a list to create my tunnel subassembly?
Thank you
Not sure if I understand what you want to achieve? Do you have a corridor and yu want to extrude the points to create a new subassembly?
Hi Patrick,
What I want to do is take a tunnel created in Civil 3D and create a Revit version of this supported by family.
My tunnel subassembly is created in SAC and/or C3D.
I have created some points but I am having difficulty to understand how to proceed.
I am a beginner in Dynamo and C3D environment.
Best regards,
What information do you need to import in revit? 3Dfaces, a surface, 3Dpolylines or solids?
Do you have any files that you can share to the community?
use, CivilConnection
export the geometry as .sat file and then, import in Revit als genericModel
Hi @mtanyer
You can use “BriMohareb_xxxx” and the below link to create your tunnel
This AU class may help you