I can’t make walls from one level to another one even though dynamo codes are sure to make them.
-select model elements
-element geometry
-Levels (start level, end level)
-wall types
-wall by curve and levels
These levels codes didn’t work, and walls were made with a specified level height, like H600 or something.
If anyone can help me figure it out, I’d be happy to help.
Your element.geometry needs to return a curve. Try Element.GetLocation which for walls should return its underlying curve I think… been a while since I worked with walls in Dynamo so if I’m way off apologies (away from Revit currently).
Note that script creates an additional wall vs change its level. If your goal is to edit the existing wall to new levels you would need to use setparameterbyname instead, targetting the top/bottom constraint parameters. You’d be best changing top first, then bottom using passthrough - if you do bottom first and it goes above your old top then the wall would break.