Create view sections from system coordinates in Python ...?

Good morning everyone.
On this occasion I want to obtain a version of this node “SectionView.ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint” in a python version to be able to understand how it is taking the data and how it is creating the view section objects, this will help me to continue iterating on these results of objects. thank you so much

This Dynamo Office Hour might help:

Beyond that the source code for the node in question is available on the Dynamo for Revit Github, starting here: DynamoRevit/src/Libraries/RevitNodes/Elements/Views/SectionView.cs at 9906354890fb8753cfbcb16593dd65a118e7c8c4 · DynamoDS/DynamoRevit · GitHub

Note that you’ll need to comb backwards to the underlaying Revit methods there, but each of the functions serves a purpose.