Create tag


I’ve searched the forum and didn’t find the awnser yet.
I’m trying to create a button that simply creates a tag for the selected element.

After running this …nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?

Hi @kboschJGDNZ,

You’re probably using Revit 2019. The Tag creation changed in the Revit API.
You can use Create Independant Tag in Genius Loci package instead.
This is an update of the Create annotation Tag node.
Thanks to Konrad Sobon for making the original one.

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Thanks, that did the trick. I’m indeed using Revit 2019.
Congrats with your birthday!:cake::beers:

Thanks !
You’re welcome !

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i created roughly the same script, using Create Independent Tag but nothing happens. currently using Revit 2019

you need to feed document.current to view

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