Create Fire Protection Boxing Around Steelwork

Dynamo Core Version
Dynamo Revit
Revit Version 2021

***Works on Revit 2023/2024 Dynamo When using OTB Node Surface.Thicken

I’ve cobbled together a graph (using lots of other peoples graphs that I’ve borrowed chunks from, I’m pretty new to this) which creates geometry around selected models elements (Via a Bounding Box), drops the top surface (where steelwork sits under a plank ect), offsets the surface by the thickness of the board before finally creating the geometry, selecting the category to place it on and applying a material.

It works and is saving us a lot of time, but there’s something I don’t understand (1) and there’s something that I would like to see if it could be improved (2).

  1. If you rerun the graph, it will remove previously created geometry and replace it with the geometry around the current selected model elements. This happens even if you exit the graph and reopen it. The only way to work around it is to cut the geometry from the model and they re-paste it in place. I don’t understand whey this happens or how to prevent it.

  2. The geometry created is a Revit Direct Shape and is therefore apparently un-editable once its created. I cant even change its material as it doesn’t appear to have a material parameter (workaround it to paint it). Is there a way to create a different type of geometry (model in place?) or somehow apply a wall family to the bounding box etc.

Graph is below, screen shot below that.
Fire_Protection_To_Steel1.dyn (29.7 KB)

Issue #1 is due to element binding. There are several post in forum that discuss how to overcome this.

Sorry, I really can’t help with issue #2.

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Yeps as Samuel say :wink: you coud try solid thin thickness, and try spring family.geometry.insert, it will be without handles as the family we create have no refplanes

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Ill have a look at that. I’ve been looking at how it might be possible to apply an adaptive component to it and have something that is applying the component family to the points of a curve extracted from a surface but not quite there yet. If I could get that to work it would help because the family would possibly be able to be manipulated with parameters and has a material parameter applied to it by default.