I am having problem with “Create Annotation Tag” node.
What I am trying to do is two scripts - one will put wall tags on a wall with specific (instance) parameter value. For example, for walls that have parameter (in script parameter name is “pozarna odpornost”) value 30, script will add wall tag “wall tag type 30”, for wall that have value 60, script will add wall tag “wall tag type 60” and etc. My second script is the same but for category “Doors”.
When I run both scripts and running is completed, there is no tags on doors/walls.
I am using Revit 2019 and the latest Dynamo.
Any idea? Help 
Pozarstvo4-zid.dyn (14.1 KB) Pozarstvo5-vrata.dyn (11.7 KB)
Hi @M.Pavlovic,
The Tag creation changed in the Revit 2019 API.
You can use the Create Independant Tag
node in Genius Loci package instead.
This is an update of the Create annotation Tag
Thanks to Konrad Sobon for making the original one.
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Dear @Alban_de_Chasteigner,
thank you very much!
I tried also this node and still no tag in the view.
With the script for Walls I also have a problem with wall location. As this node requires location point, I am not sure how to get wall centar location point.
Any idea? 
Thank you and @Konrad_K_Sobon for contribution in this Dynamo world.
I really appreciate your work.
Pozarstvo4-zid.dyn (14.4 KB) Pozarstvo5-vrata.dyn (11.3 KB)
Walls are curve based elements.
You must enter a point and not a curve in TagLocations input.
Use the Curve.PointAtParameter node for this task.
Dear @Alban_de_Chasteigner,
thank you so much!
You saved me