Hello everyone…
I have a problem about coloring the material using dynamo based on spesific value to make sequence colour in some area.
That spesific value place on point by point so the result like image 1, but i want the color result is placing in an area on each coloumn like image 2. Is that possible to do that?
I hope you understand my broken english, and also could help to solve this problem or show me my mistakes? thanks in advance
Hi @yusufarifin ,
If all of your panels are the same type, and you want to differentiate the color, you need to make your material param an instance param, and then feed the output of the AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints
-node to the SetParameterByName
It is also possible, that you need a transaction node here, as you are commiting two transactions in the same Dynamo run.
Give it a go and see what happens 
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Thanks for the answer, i’m very appreciate that. I will do that soon, is the ‘transaction end’ means connect adaptive component to element.setparameterbyname directly (no node between them) ?
Transaction.End is a node, and it goes between the two nodes you mention 
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Wahh okay okay, i will try that soon, sorry i’m just begining using dynamo still not familiar enough about alot of nodes 
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I have tried your suggest, but there is nothing happen on my profile family, any other suggest or recommendation what should i do to make my profile have colour based on spesific value?
Is it possible for you to share a sample model and the graph? I’ll see if I can find time to take a look at it.
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Sorry I think I have found the solution of the problem that I change the visual style to ‘consistent color’ like in an image. My first thought that I want to change the material family element ‘concrete’ color to sequence color, but when I change the visual style, it shows like I want. So, thanks for your offer
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