Collaboration for Revit 2015.6 or 2016.1 breaks other Addins

This is a general issue for all addins, not just Dynamo


Users reported that installing the Collaboration for Revit® 2015.6 or 2016.1 add-in is causing other add-ins to stop working.


There seems to be a DLL conflict with the latest Collaboration for Revit add-in.
Get the latest information here:

Thanks for the heads-up.

Dang, I was wondering what happened to my Dynamo. I got this error, and uninstalling Collaboration got Dynamo working again. Thanks for the information, it was driving me insane.

Dynamo Error

Hi all - a patch for Collaboration for Revit was just released. Here are the details. Please let us know if you continue to have problems with Dynamo or other add-ins.

  • Collaboration for Revit
    • 2015.7 has released to customers via Application Manager and Autodesk Knowledge Network, download page
    • 2016.2 has released to customers via Application Manager and Autodesk Knowledge Network, download page