Civil 3D Toolkit Feedback thread

I am trying to add pipes to a network with the PipeNetwork.AddByCurve node, and some of my curves are arcs. All the pipes get created, but the ones that should be curved are just created as straight pipes with the pipe ends at the start and end points of the arc.

Is this a glitch in the script, or am I doing something wrong? I have uploaded an image of the script and C3D output.

PipeByCurve Arc Issue (CAD)

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Please install latest version 1.0.14


@Paolo_Emilio_Serra1, thanks very much. Works like a charm now!


@Paolo_Emilio_Serra1: Can you tell me what I do wrong with the Structure.SetSize node? If I try to set another partsize, it is not applied to the structures:

I have not much experience with pipe networks so probably I did something wrong.

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@Anton_Huizinga I’ve checked and it worked on my dataset, there must be something else going on.

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Ok, thanks! I’ll have a deeper look inside my drawing. Do you have by accident a small example drawing? :slight_smile:

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you should find something here C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2020\C3D\Help\Civil Tutorials\Drawings

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Thanks! Your script indeed works. I’ll look further.


Is there a way to extract the data from ProfileExtensions.PVIs separately?
Right now the output of the node is a list of PVIs in the following fashion: PVI(Station=0,Elevation=452.321,Type=None,GradeIn=0.0033,Gradeout=0.0025)
Is it possible to get Station at one list, Elevation under one list , GradeIn,Gradeout everything under separate list using some nodes?

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PVI is an object in the Civil 3D Toolkit with a dedicated shelf. Like everything else in Dynamo, you can find the relative nodes and properties there.


Is it possible to add a node where I can change the parts list property of a network?

I can swap a partsize of a structure only if it is available in the parts list property of the network. So it would be great in Dynamo if I can set the parts list property before I set a new partsize to the structures.

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Maybe I didn’t understand the question but you can select a PartSize from a PartList of your choice and assign it to the Structure already.

Perhaps you are talking about the PartSizes loaded in the Document? At the moment it is not covered.

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I can only asign a partsize from the partlist that is connected to the network.

I’ll rethink the question first. Maybe I can solve it otherwise.

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I am trying to create a grade sheet for my surveyors from road alignments. This requires me to gather a bunch of information into tables and feed them to Excel. Most of what I need can be done by getting the stations for these points and using the coordinate system from station node. The problem I’m having is that I can’t seem to get the information from the vertical geometry.

Is there any way to get a couple of nodes that can return the vertical curve length, BVC/EVC stations, k, and vertical curve radius?

Thank you!

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Thanks a lot Paolo !
If you want others ideas in this particular period :

  • I imagine a node that can give for a given point and an alignment its projection and equivalent station on the alignment
  • Could we have a node that would give us the assemblies (and not subassemblies) applied in a corridor (cf behind)
  • Would be great to have a node that could append various alignments

I hope you and your family are ok.

Have a nice day,


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I confirmed your findings. The provided nodes will only allow you to set the part size to those that are found in the pipe network’s currently assigned parts list. So, we would either need nodes to set/get the assigned parts list, or better yet, the Structure.SetSize and Pipe.SetSize nodes should have an input for the parts list to pull the part size from.


Just so we are clear, the nodes in the toolkit implement exactly what you get with the Swap Parts command, but they allow you to swap multiple parts in bulk. You would like something that Civil 3D doesn’t do at the moment, right?


Civil 3D does allow you to view and change the assigned parts list of a pipe network (see my graphic).

I agree that the OOTB swap parts commmand does not allow you to swap to parts from another parts list. If your scope was to just replicate the swap parts command, then that’s fine.

We had a developer create a swap multiple parts tool for us that allows you to choose the parts list. It would be great if we could replace this with Dynamo and could stop paying for maintenance on this.


Hello Paolo,

If you have time to think about it it would be great to have the possibility to create corridors from dynamo…
I’m thinking about some workflows that would link alignement geometry with assemblies applied in a corridor…

Have a nice day.

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