Hello - I’m new to dynamo and trying to figure out if I can create a color range to override the surface style for a tin volume surface.
Essentially, I want to automate the cut/fill map process with the standards I use regularly. Usually, I use 255, 200, 200 as my 0 to -1 cut color and then use a darker red for each increment of increased cut. For the fill values I do the same with shades of blue (0 to 1 is 200, 200, 255, 1 to 2 is 190, 190, 255, and so on). Is there a way to automate this in dynamo?
@Paolo_Emilio_Serra1 do you have any recommendations on this? I’m assuming this time of process would need a Python script to automate, but could the color range nodes be linked into this at all? I appreciate all of your help!
Yes you can do it in Python, you need to override the Analysis property of the Surface and set a collection of SurfaceAnalysisElevationData with the values you want.
here is an example (it doesn’t do exactly what you want but close enough)
Hi Paolo,
I’ve been testing your script. Could you please help me how cdoc is defined? I tried it as cdoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument, but I have this error:
Thanks in advance!
Thank you very much. It was bad calling exactly as wou wrote. There were some another warnings and error. Some of them I solved by adding: import math and from Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors import *
At this moment I can¨t solve this NameError. Could you please give me any hint here?
After some investigation it does not work for minel, which is between -1 and 0.
gp = surface.GetGeneralProperties()
minel = gp.MinimumElevation
maxel = gp.MaximumElevation
saed = []
interval = .25
cut = int(math.ceil((-1 - minel) / interval)) if minel < -1 else None
fill = int(math.ceil((maxel - 1) / interval)) if maxel > 1 else None
if cut is not None:
a = 200 / cut
for i in range(cut + 1):
saed.append(SurfaceAnalysisElevationData(-1 - (cut - i) * interval, -1 - (cut - i - 1) * interval, Color.FromRgb(255,i * a, i * a)))
if fill is not None:
a = 200 / fill
for i in range(fill + 1):
saed.append(SurfaceAnalysisElevationData(i * interval, 1 + i * interval, Color.FromRgb(200 - i * a, 200 - i * a, 255)))
The Color range then look like this (intervals -0.75 to 0.00 and 0.00 to 0.25 are missing, step in fill is 1m not interval = 0.25):
Great question. Civil 3D surface elevations properties are very cumbersome and time consuming, making this an ideal candidate for automation. Too bad there aren’t nodes for it yet, but in the meantime I’ll be testing out the Python codes posted here.
Got it, I needed to import the math module, and also the colors and array talked about in this thread as well.
Thanks for the help! Editing code when you don’t really know how to code is the strangest thing; simultaneously more difficult and less difficult than you think…
Here’s what I’ve come up with…Forgive the unrefinement; it is a bit of a frankenstein, starting with Paulo’s script and modifying with everyone’s help and the C3D Developer’s Guide.
As for the surface selection, it appears Paulo’s original script looks for a surface by the name “Surface1”. In Dynamo proper, I added Surface Selection and Object Name nodes for the input.
Gotta say, I love it when a program comes together!
(And now will be changing up the color assignments…)
Is there a full step-by-step on this topic. I’m not very knowledgeable of Python or C3D .NET API and I don’t seem to entirely understand what are the inputs for this code.
Thanks a lot to whoever replies, as this is a repeated and cumbersome task to go through every single time.
I haven’t used the code yet but from the images there is a function working on a given surface and the surface is hardcoded into the output, meaning that the function is being called by “Surface1” (see the last line) No inputs defined in the code but you should be able to modify this so it is done with any surface you define