Create TIN volume surface elevation analysis with only two ranges

I am in intermediate level in civil 3d and new in Dynamo.
Thanks to the book of @Anton_Huizinga i am trying to create strong foundations to learn in deep Dynamo.
I started to create my own graphs library for every day’s real world use.
I have the bellow task.
Select all tin volume surfaces, and make an elevation analysis. For the analysis need only red color for cutting and blue color for filling. Achieved the red color (fill) but failed with the blue color. Another color coming instead of the blue color.
Can anyone detect my mistake in the graph?

Thank you and regards

For start elevation put -1:
End elevation 1:
Stepsize 1

Hi @A.C3D
Thanks for the reply
I tried but giving me the same results…

That node normally creates a series of colors in between the given colors, to match the final analysis range. If the end result is e.g. 10 lines, and you gave 5 colors, the node calculates the missing 5 colors.

You can see the calculated RGB values that the wrong color is exactly between the two given color RGB values. In this case with a range of two elevations and two colors, you would expect no calculated colors in between.

I’ll put it on the list, but with this node, it never is guaranteed that you get exactly the given colors. I can see if I add nodes for that too.

Btw, I see you want to visualize Volume Surfaces, there is a node specific for Volume Surfaces too. You can add separate colors for Cut and Fill.

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Thank you @Anton_Huizinga

It is well noted


Hello i would like to know how this node can give a specific result as the attached photo

The analysis is saved in the Surface properties. After that, you can add an Elevations Table with Civil 3D functionality and it automatically uses the calculated values.

Thank you for your reply ,but i am asking in my case where the interval of the elevation are not the same not 1 m repetitive :they are variable is not about the table

Is that an existing table that is not updated? Or a new table which does not match with the values in the Surface Properties?

Can you share a DWG with that Surface?