Changing Elevation View Location

I would like to move the Elevation view location leaving where it is the Elevation Marker ?


My “hopeful” attempt

Any idea?


Directly connect Select Model Element to Element.MoveByvector.

Thanks @Nissal,
I get error,

I select the Elevation View not the Elevation Marker, as I want to move only that.

After Select model element, use Transcation.Start node. and connect this node with Element.MoveByVector

Cheers man but still negative.

I also noticed that If I select the elevation view on plan I get “Element”.
If I retrieve the Elevation View via ElevationMarker.View I get the actual view.
They have consecutive IDs.

None of the two works anyway

Use. Transaction.Start
You have taken Transaction.End

OMG what a dumb am I. Sorry


Share your .rvt sample and dyn file here

Test_Move_Elevation.dyn (8.2 KB)

Test_Move_Elevation.rvt (352 KB)

Many thanks, appreciated

Have you guys had any progress on the issue? I’m having the exact same problem.