Change Text Note Type

I have been importing CAD details and cleaning them up for Revit. I want to change the text type to one of my text types called “3/32 Arial”


I have tried Setparameter.byname, as well as some custom nodes to change family type. The text note type isnt a parameter instance or type, it is a sytem family type. I have been able to to get the text note type id, but still cant seem to find the right node to change the type. I just want to change all text to the same type, so no need to filter out anything.



This one can change Text Font of all Text Notes. However it doesn’t change Text Type.


The “Element.SetParameterByName” should work. Could you try to share the error you’re getting?

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Thanks Dimitar:)

Your code is great. The thing is it need an existing Type.

How to duplicate an existing Type to create a new Type ? I tried the code below and not working, any idea?

Hi Zhaohui,

Check out the “ElementType.Duplicate” node from Clockwork. Once you generate the new types, you can set their specific type parameters with the “Element.SetParameterByName” node. Good Luck!


i can’t find the name node " Elements.FilterbyName".

Hi @Hai_Trinh

“Elements.FilterByName” is a custom node from @Andreas_Dieckmann clockwork package. You need to search the package and install it from online package search in Dynamo.

Thank you.

Greetings all!

I am trying to create a graph that will only take a particular text family type and make it uppercase. I’m sure I am not the first one to try this, but I can’t seem to actually make the desired family type uppercase once I have filtered my selection. Can anyone help me with which node I need to go with next? Thank you all for reading.


Hi @Mike_Tuter,

Here is one the possible way to do.

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@Kulkul Thank you so much!

That solved my problem. Here is my completed graph. Thank you again!

@Mike_Tuter Next time please ask your query by creating a new topic and attach reference links if its related. Thanks :slight_smile: