Cannot UNDO for the first execution of a dynamo file

Hello guys,
Here is a simple share and question at the same time about Revit undo function after an execution of a dynamo file.
Does anyone have an experience of this issue?

The issue is: no matter how many times i click the undo button upper left, Revit doesn’t response when I try it until the same condition as i open the Revit project file.

Did you ever click the small arrow next to your Undo button?


AFAIK depending on your script this list can get pretty long and then you might
have to scroll down to the first Dynamo-xxxxxxxx Script action.

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There are some actions which you can take via the UI or the API which clear the undo stack. Reloading links, unloading links, reloading from links, saving as a central, and perhaps others.

You can find a partial list here.

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Thanks for your advice @bvs1982. Unfortunately, even I try to click the lowest script action, it doesn’t work. I mean, after I click it, I can still select the small arrow and Undo button but feels like it has nothing to function.

Maybe it helps if you share your .dyn or what your graph is supposed to do?

Are you sure this isn’t Dynamo geometry preview which you’re seeing? Confirm by trying to select one of the changes in the Revit UI.

Do all graphs do this, including the samples which are provided with Dynamo? Try removing all add-ins and customizations from Revit as there may be something preventing the undo.

Does only one graph or some graphs do this? Post the graph so others can review. We are only able to guess but I can confirm that this isn’t standard Dynamo behavior.

Probably, the function somehow doesn’t work because I use a bunch of custom nodes and my laptop’s spec is sort of low. I use Revit 2024 and my dynamo file has over 10 custom nodes created by other.

Thank you both so much @bvs1982 and @jacob.small for dealing with my tiny issue

The issue is like below and give me time to share my dynamo file.

I found that my dynamo file has a pile of different custom nodes and python script which may might cause any trouble such as this type.
Also, putting the same nodes repeatedly in the same file results in making dynamo execution delay or be complicated more. Thanks for your advices @bvs1982 and @jacob.small .
I will dig into dynamo structural leaning and programming.