Cannot install Dynamo 1.3.3 on my machine

Hello guys,

Any ideas why I cannot install Dynamo 1.3.3 on my machine.

I have read a couple of posts about not been able to install 1.3.2 for Revit 2016 but I am now having problems with 1.3.3.

I have installed on my machine Revit 2017,2018 and 2019 and Dynamo 2.0.2 and Core.

I have uninstalled all the Dynamo version but still cannot install 1.3.3.


Any ideas???

I thought about uninstalling Revit 2019 but I want to try to avoid this if possible.

Alright guys,

Even unisntalling Revit 2019 I get the same message.

What is going on here!!!

If you unistall Dynamo with the standard windows remover it is still possible there still will be some files from Dynamo somewhere on your machine.

If you use for example revo unistaller you can remove everything from Dynamo from your machine.

I created a topic to about this


I needed to uninstall from all users in my pc.

I am using Windows 7, not sure why uninstalling the software did not uninstall it from other users!?

Have you experienced the same?


No I have only one user on this PC. It was more that with the standaard uninstalling it didn’t remove everything from mine PC.

Good to know,
Thanks Hugo

The steps to fully uninstall Dynamo (any version pre 2.1) with installer is mentioned in an old blog post (all the way to the end): Sorry for the inconvenience our team introduced to you. What you have seen is caused by registry not fully removed by the default uninstaller.

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I have the same problem. I installed Dynamo version 2.0.3 but when I uninstalled it and tried to install version 2.0.2 it says I cannot install it since a newer version of Dynamo has been already installed. Could u please explain me how to uninstall it from other users?

