Can the dynamo arrange bricks automatically ? Thans all first!

Can the dynamo arrange bricks automatically ?
I want to arrange bricks of the right wall wiht dynamo automotically. Just like the left wall but it is brick solid model result.

how the dynamo can arrange bricks automatically.rvt (3.0 MB)

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Do you mean apply a material to the wall?

I want to arrange bricks of the right wall wiht dynamo automotically

I want to arrange bricks of the right wall wiht dynamo automotically. Just like the left wall result.

You could do this if you give it the right material

but it is pattern , not soild . i want bulid the brick model.

Could you post your first attempt please?

en… Sorry , i trying now. i will post while i finished

I’m trying to write the size of the brick in excel, then get excel data in dynamo, build a brick family and a wall model, then pick up a wall to get the wall’s face, and then divide from face for the placement of the brick family, and finally the bricks are arranged automatically. That’s my idea now. Also I hope to get guidance from you all ,thank you !

You want to make a part for every single brick? Or place a family for each?

yes, single brick. just like the last image.


It appears difficult to extract the pattern of lines and use that to make solids…

There is little information available to Dynamo to work with.

Given that bricks & their setout are very regular, I would create a curtain wall family with the brick family in and swap out the regular wall for that.

It will also be much easier to manage and faster to work with.

Hopefully that helps,


For what it’s worth, this wasn’t too hard to build:

Knowing this, Making parts would likely be harder than populating a family by point on the face.



Assuming you don’t need a fully enclosed wall (for energy, pressurization, or other calcs) I definitely think this is the way to go. Much easier than dealing with curtain walls and parts. Even with calcs it shouldn’t be too hard to create an in-place wall.

Actually, these were built on a surface 1/8" behind the bricks, so likely doable from an energy calc setup as well. :slight_smile:



Thank you !

Can you tell me how you do it? Or what’s the idea of it?

Yeah I plan on digging into this to make it sharable over the weekend. It’ll have some holes which I’ll spell out when I share it.

Can you explain why you want to do this?

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