Breaking a wall geometery into individual bricks in dyanamo

i want to break a wall geometery (imported from revit) in dynamo into individual brick geometery how can i do that

Have a look at this thread:

Note that I personally find it is less intensive to build individual bricks in Dynamo than work with Revit’s patterns as the patterns are difficult to extract and usually lack real dimensions due to the lack of grout.

thanks for the reponse jacob i am a university student working on a project i want to break a wall into brick to get centeroid cartesian coardinates of each brick is their any way to get it done in dynamo or revit

Yes - how are you designing the bricks?

Could a curtain wall with panels of bricks help you :man_shrugging:

I am not designing bricks I have just imported the wall from revit and trying to break it in dynamo


Then the method in the thread I linked above is a hood start. :wink:

Hi @awaiskalyar78 here is a dirty way with dimension, not so nice as Jacobs great solution, but could probably work as well…its all about which brick bond and grout size…


Hi can you please share the dyn file

Hi @awaiskalyar78 it was just an exemple with dim lines…and dont save it…try you can follow and if you go stuck then show where in an image and we can try help :wink:

hi i was just following the example but there are some nodes i cann’t find in dynamo for example element refrence node

hi jacob i wanted to create something Can the dynamo arrange bricks automatically ? Thans all first! - #24 by Mark.Ackerley
as done in this reply

but i am having issue in the node circled in picture

if you can help me in this

What is your issue?

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As Jacob says- what is the problem you are having? Here is a screenshot from Dynamo in Revit 2023 as to where the node “lives”, but right-clicking in the canvas and starting to type “flatten” should give you the node:

this node requires a list as input but no list is connected to it

which list should i connect to this node if i am not connecting anything it is giving me error

The node is being used as a function in the List Map node which it is connected into. Alternatively you can leverage list lacing and levels.

Going though the Dynamo Primer will help.

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