Bumblebee - Search Value Get Row

Hey all,

I’m attempting to use the Search Value Get Row node from Bumblebee, and it’s returning an empty list. See below for the Excel snippet as well as my Dynamo script.

As you can see, the text in the List.Sort output does match the text in the first column, so why the Empty List?

EDIT: I saw another thread that is asking me to keep the Excel file open – would it be possible to run this node without keeping the excel file open? I’d like to have my model open and run this via pulling the excel file from a server.

Any help would be appreciated! @Konrad_K_Sobon

Strange. I couldn’t get it to work either. Fortunately, you can write a quick codeblock to do the same thing.


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Thank you for the response, Nick! My code block doesn’t appear to read the data like yours, perhaps it’s because my input is in the form of nested lists.

I have fairly nonexistent knowledge of Python, so maybe it just takes a few tweaks of the code in the code block?

Are you reading from multiple Excel files?
You should be able to change the first line to data@@-2<1> to preserve the list structure. It should still work though.

Nada, Just one Excel file. I did the @@ and it came up with this:

See if it works with just one search item.

This is what I had to use to get it to work with multiple data lists and multiple search items.

out = DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask(data@-3<1>,mask2@-2<1L>);

Same error – only fed one input, still an empty list.

Do you have any rows with “A” in them? List.ContainsItem requires an exact match. Partials will not pass.

If you’re able to post your Excel file I can dig into it further.

Ahh! I misunderstood what it was searching for. I figured the input was the column name (my fault).

It works perfectly (the second, 4-line code). Thank you Nick!!

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