I noticed the read excel node wasn’t working in 2.0 and saw on the forums the package hasn’t been updated yet. I found the issue to be the bumblebee.py file and how it does version detection. These are the two lines you need to edit:
dynamoversion = str(dynamo.GetName().Version)[:3]
sys.path.append(r"C:\Program Files\Dynamo\Dynamo Core\"+dynamoversion))
The issue is that when it would detect version “1.3” that is 3 characters to find the matching folder in that directory to get to protogeometry.dll. However dynamo 2.0 installs in a folder just named “2” being one character and causes error.
Any who, temp fix till the package is updated, delete the line with “dynamoversion” and make the second line look like the following.
sys.path.append(r"C:\Program Files\Dynamo\Dynamo Core\2"))
This will make the package in useable in any other version besides 2.0 by the way. Just a temp fix, I’m sure there are better ways to include the change and still keep compatibility but I’m lazy and needed a quick fix.
Hope it helps.