Automatic Dimension Walls

As noted in post #1 the OOTB tool has limits on what it grabs. This post in combination with the many other posts associated with dimensioning allow you to configure a tool that hits the references you desire.


Ahaa… Thanks for the explanation Jacob

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Generally you only want the references which intersect the face you’re interested in… Pointy walls are also an issue… etc. etc. This approach gives you control…

Hopefully Revit will get the functionality so this isn’t required :slight_smile:

The main benefit is that I’ve learnt a lot of Python doing it :smiley:




I’d say this is the most important thing and great example for others :dancer:

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Hi, Viktor. I tried the method you are describing in here but it seems Dynamo 2.0.3 does not allow you to create a wall by face. Both, “RevitFaceReference.FromDynamoSurface” and “Wall.ByFace” are giving me Null values, or maybe i´m doing something wrong. Could you please help me?

Dynamo Version:
Revit 2019.2

My advise is to open a new topic with a proper screenshot and the Dynamo file

I can’t really see anything from that one


Okok, Here is the new post. Thanks

Hi, guys!
I used @viktor_kuzev script on elements of pillars, beams and foundations and there are repeated points that appear equal to zero.
Would anyone know how to help me fix this?

Most probably there are multiple faces on top of each other taken as references. Also in this python node includenonvisible objects is set to true. Which means that if the pillar has different geometries for different detail level they will all be references. You can set that to false as a first try.

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@Alban_de_Chasteigner gave me a solution for the 0 values appearing on a dimension line. However, this didn’t quite work for me since it didn’t get back some of the references for the newly created dimension line.

Like Viktor says, this happens if you have several references back to back on the same line. That’s why the 0’s are appearing since there is 0 distance between those references. Try to filter your list by getting one of those elements on the same axis value.


I am getting this error @viktor_kuzev

Can you please help me out for this ?

Use Element.Geometry between the two. Or just Element.Faces
Also the original post is from 5 years ago so if you have further questions I’d suggest you open a new topic

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