Argument Type Error Message

Hi There,

I found a very helpful script online that allows one to rename elements in a specific format by using a spline to determine the ordering sequence.

I was using this perfectly fine at home last night but when I run it at work this morning I get the attached error message and the script fails.

Does anybody understand the reason it’s failing? I don’t quite see how it could work perfectly yesterday and fail today. I’m even running it in the exact same project as I was using last night.

Error message and script attached below.

If anybody could help out with a solution or direct me to a similar post it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Renumbering Wizard_V1.dyn (19.1 KB)
Error Message:

@dynamo_den Are you sure it was working home with the same exact data?

You are feeding Family Instances. You should convert to Dynamo Geometry first

Hey @salvatoredragotta,

Yes it was working perfectly fine last night and I’ve not made any changes. Odd…
Is there a simple node to convert the family instances to dynamo geometry before inputting into the geometry node? Thanks.


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Hey @salvatoredragotta

I got home and had the same issue…not sure how I had it working last night…

Anyways, I managed to fix the script as per the below:

Thanks for your help!

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